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Барджелло – Немного истории

Барджелло ( bargello) – одна из самых красивых и простых в исполнении вышивок с выполнением рядов в виде зигзага и определенным их расположении в зависимости от оттенков цвета. Барджелло можно узнать по характерному рисунку, напоминающему языки пламени (факельная вышивка), узоры при этом могут быть как более плавными, так и остроугольной формы.

Считается, что это техника пришла из Венгрии, а не из Италии. Вместе с тем, ее можно встретить как под названием «Флорентийская вышивка», так и «Венгерский стежок». Кроме того, существует еще одно название – «Ирландский стежок», что говорит о ее популярности в Европе и постоянной трансформации и адаптации данной техники к стилю времени и места.

This embroidery first appeared in the Middle Ages. The advent of the Bargello technique is shrouded in many legends. One of them says that Hungarian princess, marrying the heir to the Medici family, brought beautifully embroidered dowry. Embroidery caught the attention of the Florentine court, influencing style of their work. And the Florentines began to copy “tongues of flame”, and soon consider them yours. According to another version, this embroidery was brought to Perugia Queen Gisella (969-1038), wife of the Hungarian king Stephen I.

May be so. But the debate over which the country gave the world this wonderful embroidery technique in progress.

In the Baroque era, Florentine embroidery became especially popular and used to decorate draperies for decoration the interior. Later, bargello began to be used in the manufacture of clothing, shoes and accessories.

Traditional woolen threads also with time supplemented with silk. Now everyone uses Florentine embroidery variety of threads: woolen and silk, cotton for knitting and floss, metallized threads and even ribbons. It all depends on your imagination.

Zigzag The moire, iridescent stains of this embroidery seem like a miracle. She produces the impression is luxurious, woven on the machine, and just can not believe that the pattern created by simple stitches laid on canvas or canvas in a specific repeating order, which gives the patterns a whimsical softness of bends,

resembling math graphs.

Классическое барджелло – использование вертикальных стежков одного размера, но, как мы говорили выше, данная техника не стоит на месте. Дороти Kaestner (1972) создала стиль четырех направлений Барджелло. В этой технике, холст делится по диагонали на четыре части: мотив выполняется в 2х горизонтальных и 2х вертикальных направлениях, в результате работа имеет эффект калейдоскопа. Размер стежков, в настоящее время также варьируется.

Florentine craftswomen were inspired not only a game of water jets on a sunny day, or flames at dusk, but also beauty nature. All patterns of Florentine embroidery are very colorful, geometric, but can also resemble very stylized natural motifs, such as bird feathers or coloring of animals. One of the characteristic motives of the bargello is favorite in the Middle Ages pomegranate fruit motif.

No less popular and luxurious was the carnation pattern. This pattern survived its rebirth in the modern era, when it increased dramatically. interest in embroidery of the bargello, as well as in other medieval needlework.

The most difficult moment in bargello is considered manufacturing of circuits, since it requires a very accurate calculation of drawing blocks for create a complete geometric pattern so that you can then easily and accurately embroider conceived composition.

Work with the Bargello technique (especially when ready-made schemes) nice. It is much simpler and faster in the execution of many alternative techniques. Products made in this unique style, look great in a modern interior, creating a unique atmosphere in the house and filling it with rich colors.

Many masters successfully combine it with other types embroidery. The versatility of its application will bring beauty not only to the interior of your home, but also in your clothes, and in your favorite little things.

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